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Cliff Overlook | 12x12in | Unframed Oil Painting

Cliff Overlook | 12x12in | Unframed Oil Painting

12"x12", Oil on Wood, 2020

Unframed: 1.5" Cradle,  Painting wraps around edges

Featuring Maine


My first trip to New England was spending a weekend along the Maine Coast with my husband and his college friends in a cabin during fall foliage season. The drive was about seven hours from Brooklyn, and we made sure to stop in New Hampshire for liquid necessities, but the walks along the beaches, cliffs, and coastal seaside towns made the time spent in the car (and in the packed cabin at night) worthwhile. You can't beat walking along the water with a scoop of ice cream and a light breeze blowing.


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Sales tax fees apply (6.25%)

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